Learning Administration
Learning Delivery
NIIT in Numbers
Global training delivery
in 40+ countries
Years of experience
Amongst top 3 global learning outsourcing companies
Hours of custom content delivered annually
Specialized Learning Solutions for Enterprises
At NIIT, we understand that specialized needs require specialized attention. That’s why we offer a range of specialized solutions for your specific training needs.
Managed Training Services
Built on the principles of running training like business, our suite of managed training services is designed to transform your L&D function to deliver measurable value.
Learning Outsourcing
Getting Started
Unsure about outsourcing? Assessing where you are is a great way to
get started in your journey towards L&D transformation.
Outsourcing Opportunities
When it comes to learning outsourcing, one size doesn’t fit all. You need to explore different models and select the one that works best for your organization.
How We Help
Leveraging external expertise can help organize your L&D function for value creation while helping transform the learning offer and improving customer satisfaction levels.
Solutions for Individuals
Elevate your skills with our most in-demand programmes.
Customer Stories
Explore how our services help learning functions deliver on ground business impact. Get in touch with our team.
A Journey of Comprehensive L&D Transformation
Learning aligned to business with significant reduction in costs and improved operational efficiency and effectiveness.
Facilitating Technology Adoption for Improved Business Performance
30% reduction in time to proficiency in application training for planners in 22 locations worldwide.
Unmatched Global Scale with Measurable Results
Over the past 6 years, NIIT has delivered around 6,500+ training events annually for the customer. We have covered over 27,000 students across approximately 80 cities in 3 continents.